
We have just started our Vaki Dances for Life and Peace! I invite you to support us. Why donate to Mazai Arts Corporation programs?

Porque somo una propuesta de emprendimiento cultural seria y responsable, que busca la auto-sostenibilidad para brindar a la comunidad una propuesta cultural independiente para toda la población.

The Mazai Artistic Corporation was born from the initiative of a group of cultural entrepreneurs who come together to produce quality artistic products that can compete with the nascent cultural companies in the department of the valley.

The Mazai Artistic Corporation’s premise is the promotion of culture and art, the generation of income from the advice, production and promotion of artistic proposals and products in the department of the valley, nationally and internationally.

The problem for developing training programs and cultural entrepreneurship is the little support from the national government and private sector companies, the few artistic training processes are in charge of the state and mostly politicized, preventing their consolidation.

For this reason we turn to the solidarity of people with great hearts who believe that we can make history with differential and innovative models.

The problem for developing training programs and cultural entrepreneurship is the little support from the national government and private sector companies, the few artistic training processes are in charge of the state and mostly politicized, preventing their consolidation.

For this reason we turn to the solidarity of people with great hearts who believe that we can make history with differential and innovative models.

We seek to impact the most vulnerable communities with projects and cultural artistic programs that strengthen the roots for our ancestral traditions and that these activities become an opportunity to generate income.

We invite all people, companies or organizations to join this VAKA for Dances for Life and Peace.
“Your contribution is of the utmost importance”


What is the plan for the budget?

Development of the Our Heritage Program “Leave your legacy”

Contribution to the Mazai dance company “Vestuario”

Payment of administrative staff fees

How will the money be handled?

The money is managed by the Mazai Artistic Corporation and we are committed to presenting the reports of the expenditures made publicly.

Who will be in charge of managing it?

The Mazai Artistic Corporation headed by its representative Jimmy Fabián González and the corporation’s board of directors are in charge of managing it.

If we succeed ...

10% of the goal, we will be able to: Make the purchase of 3 costumes for the Mazai dance company

20% of the goal, we can: Make the purchase of 3 costumes for the Mazai dance company and start the training program at 10%

50% of the goal, we can: Make the purchase of 4 costumes for the Mazai dance company and start the training program at 40%

70% of the goal, we will be able to: Make the purchase of 4 costumes for the Mazai dance company and start the training program at 70%

100% of the goal, we will be able to: Make the purchase of 5 costumes for the Mazai dance company and start the training program at 100%


What is the Mazai Arts Corporation?

The Mazai Artistic Corporation was born from the initiative of a group of cultural entrepreneurs who come together to produce quality artistic products that can compete with the emerging cultural companies in the department of the valley and contribute to the development of the municipality of Palmira.

The Mazai Artistic Corporation’s premise is the promotion of culture and art, the generation of income from the advice, production and promotion of artistic proposals and products in the municipality of Palmira, the department of the valley and nationally and internationally.

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Our Ancestrality

Taking care of our ancestral knowledge

Throughout the years, our elders took it upon themselves to cultivate dance with great care, leaving us with an immense variety of dances of which a good number are still recognized today. This vast heritage includes labor dances that recreate the daily chore, traditional dances that arose in the quilombos, palenques and gangs of freed men and ballroom dances, which our old men collected from the Spaniards when they saw them dance in their haciendas and that they recreated in secret. making fun of their patterns and transforming a stiff and cold dance into a dance full of movement, cadence and sensuality.

Our staging represents the legacy of our ancestors represented in dances such as the cumbia, the bambuco, the currulao, the joropo, the mapale among many others.

Our scenic proposal seeks to represent the ancestral customs of our peoples of the Colombian Pacific where beliefs passed from generation to generation converge that disclose the strange, the magical, the inexplicable, inherited appropriation from our African ancestors.

At the level of the Pacific coast, African and indigenous cultural traditions have managed to manage the properties that many medicinal plants have in the treatment of allopathic diseases such as those that are closely related to the belief of magic, religion and the worldview of the world, as a starting point to understand some facts such as scares, the evil eye, bad air, stone evil, evil spirits, the strains commonly produce in people who suffer from it, physical manifestations such as headaches, fever, stomach pain, vomiting, lack of appetite, thinness, bladders in the body among others.

Tour of Colombia is a compendium of the most representative rhythms and dances of our Colombian folklore, making a trip through the different geographical areas of our country.
Cumbia, bambuco, joropo, raises dust, guaneña, pilanderas, currulao among others, are expressions of a people full of diversity that we share a single feeling, being Colombians.

Colombia is a beautiful land full of diversity and its folklore is no exception, it has a great attraction for its landscapes, its people, its economic and industrial development and also because it has a great cultural variety that makes this country a paradise about the earth.

Our Essays

Dance Mazai

Contact us and become a member of the Mazai Artistic Corporation

What are you waiting for?

Telephone: 322 597 8122
City: Palmira, Valle del Cauca

Make the best decision! And become part of our Mazai Tribe